Product Description
N45 Rare Earth Motorcycle Magnets 1/2 in x 1/8 in x 1/4 in Neodymium
Rare earth magnets neodymium ndfeb are the world's strongest magnets. All magnets are not created equal! Applied Magnets offers the highest quality rare earth magnets with consistent performance at lowest price. Our strong rare earth magnets are designed & manufactured to meet stringent quality standards using the latest technology. Neodymium magnets (also known as Neo, NdFeB, NIB or super magnet) , a type of rare earth magnets, are the permanent magnets made from neodymium, iron, boron and other rare earth elements. Strong Rare Earth Magnets Neodymium N45 are stronger than N42, N40, N38 and N35. Grade N42 Br Max is 13200 gauss. Nickel-Copper-Nickel triple layer coated for maximum rare earth magnets durability and protection again corrosion. Contact us for rare earth magnets wholesale discount.
Neodymium rare earth magnets made by Applied Magnets are composed of top quality Neodymium, Iron, Boron raw materials, they have excellent magnetic property and extremely strong for its size. Neodymium rare earth magnets are the strongest types of permanent magnets. They have highest maximum energy product among all permanent magnets. All of our rare earth magnets are ISO Certified, top notch quality guaranteed.
Rare earth magnets are powerful and fragile, they can be stuck together easily and pinch your fingers, they can get chipped or broken in a collision.
0.5" x 0.125" x 0.25" Thick Neodymium NdFeB Block Rare Earth Magnets
Grade N45
Magnetized through the 1/4".
Approximate pull force: 7 lbs
Contact us for neodymium rare earth magnets wholesale discount.
Note : Pull force is estimate only, please test it for your application

If you or someone you know owns a motorcycle, a scooter, a bicycle, or even a small car, you've probably noticed that it's easy to get stuck at traffic lights. An understanding of why it happens can reveal some methods that will help turn any red light to green. This will save time, gas and frustration by you not having you wait what seems like forever at a red light that has no ongoing traffic.
- Local laws may permit you to cross an intersection after stopping if the traffic sensor does not recognize your presence. Check with your local authorities.
- Moving the vehicle back and forth and/or restarting an electric or motorcycle motor may affect the magnetic field enough to trigger the light.
- Some traffic signals use video camera detectors instead. If you're on a two-wheeled vehicle, you can try turning to the side to increase your visible surface area. If this doesn't work or a car isn't being detected, report it to the appropriate department.
- A number of communities in the United States, including Bakersfield, California; Santa Cruz, California; Chico, California; and Santa Clara County, California, have adopted policies to design and adjust all traffic signal sensors to detect bicycles.
- Make sure that the signal is on a detection system. Not all traffic signals are actuated by detectors, as the majority are on a timing system.
- If you have a green light, don't dawdle! It only takes about three seconds for a signal actuator to decide there's no more traffic waiting to get through the intersection from your direction. If you are slow to move, the actuator will flip the switch and you'll be staring at a red light again in no time. And THAT won't make anyone behind you very happy.
- Not all cities have "demand-actuated" traffic signals.
- Do not expect this to work at all times.